Fractaloid 1-9 are 72 hours of live music, composed by Philipp Zurcher. The main theme of this piece is the interaction between four musicians and huge virtual structures: a computer program makes a looping device produce "a heap of empty wraps that want to be filled with musical contents".

The form of those wraps is based on the aesthetics of fractals. Fractals are fragmented geometric shapes that are self-similar and appear in nature, too.

The composition was first performed by four musicians, playing nine shifts of 8 hours each at Marks Blond, Bern-Switzerland (September 14th to 17th 2006). Great parts of its chronological audio recording have been syncronically rearranged and released on the CD named 73-D in September 2008 by the stv/asm label.

photos   73-D   stv/asm


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